forget is common mistake to all of us. But when it comes to medicine it would be dangerous. people usually forget- The date
- The time
- No of pills that need to take
at the moment people use manual medicine boxes and put there themselves separated pills according to there schedule and give them at right time.but what if nurse forgot time, that would be lot of problem. So smart medicine box is going to help those peoples.
System model
In system model we have developed android application, using this application users (guardian or nurse) can update schedule of patient eg. starting time, time duration between drugs, no of pills etc.
This update is can do remotely. we used WSO2 IOT platform agent file for raspberry pi and MQTT broker as mosquito. We deployed database inside raspberry pi to store schedule and separate thread compare database time with system time and give alerts.
p.s keep in touch for further details about smart medicine box
how you making the android app for that?if you don't mind can you give me a source code for that?